Exhibition Stand Rental

When mounting a stand it is important to control every aspect of the process, it is not the same to have everything in your head than having a plan. Remember this, the one who fails to plan, plans to fail. Here are some key points to make sure that your stand is on time at your next exhibition.

It is better the slightest of inks than the best of memories.

This famous phrase attributed to William Shakespeare could not be truer. There are certain documents that should not be forgotten when planning and executing a stand assembly.

Document 1. Inventory of the stand parts.

This implies having a sheet with the pieces that the booth must contain. If the booth comes out of your own warehouse because it is a stand of its own, it is indispensable that nothing is forgotten in the warehouse, since later it will have repercussions like subsequent useless purchases. If you rented a stand that has to be assembled, demand that they give you a complete inventory of the pieces of the stand. It is at this stage when you can see one of the details such as the logo, or a high print image that needs to be replaced or even a missing piece before starting the assembly. Hopefully there will be sufficient time to solve the problem.

Document 2. Worksheet to be carried out.

Assembly of a stand with display case and lock.

Called by Americans as a famous “to do list”, it is common to forget to generate this document but it is quite necessary. There is nothing worse than having finished an installation and assembly only to discover that no one installed the lock that would protect all the prototypes of the products to be displayed, or that proprietary technology that has to be carefully protected. In other words, you won’t be able to protect the products that you brought because someone forgot to install the lock. The expo opens in 3 minutes and you won’t be able to install it…

Document 3. Installation plan.

And what about the installation plan? You might come to the conclusion, that it is not necessary, but in reality it certainly is. You might need to connect a laptop or receive Internet signal or maybe require a phone jack. In an ideal world the organizer of the fair will supply with all those items but once you are there, where are they going to be physically? And what is more, what if the organizer has forgotten and we need to have Internet access in order to be able to carry out our work? An installation plan will promptly alert the assembly members of the stand about any missing items in the facilities even before is required. It is better to prevent.

Document 4. Time schedule to set up a stand

This implies a document that indicates the work to be done but this time with a schedule and a person in charge. Although it seems the same as the to do list, but it says who is responsible for particular tasks and estimates times of completion, which allows you to go into more detail about who will do what. It also facilitates movement of resources in a strategic way making sure everything is ready on time.

Document 5. List of promotional material for the expo.

Finally this is the last document that we always suggest to be included, also known as a list of point of sale material. Although this happens after the assembly of your stand, if you have a list of what you will need during your expo, you are less likely to forget something like pamphlets, brochures, presentations or sign up forms.

As we said before, failing to plan is to plan to fail. Follow these simple documents and you will surely have an orderly stand assembly and a successful trade show.

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